Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Cell Animation Workshop

During this workshop we were taught the basic principles of cell animation and began the process of creating our own 3 second animation. WE began individually by creating some quick, simple characters that we might use, I kept to bold shapes and gave them bold features which would allow me to use these during the 3 second animation.


I chose a character which I wanted to work with and began to look at it from different profiles as well as looking at possible movements it could make.

We then went into pairs where we joined our 2 chosen characters together in order to create the 3 second animation. Here is the beginning, middle and end concept for ours:

It begins with the bird entering the screen top right and then flying horizontally across the screen before exiting top left, during this time the pair of eyes will simply follow the bird across the screen, before waving goodbye at the end...

Once we had created the individual 36 A4 sheets I then scanned the images into Photoshop, cropper them as best I could using the crop marks we had drawn in and then imported the sequence into AFter Effects. Although the outcome is very simple and crude it taught me how to use After Effects and I learnt a lot about the settings and so on which will prove very useful for my actual story board. Below is the 3 second clip we created:

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