Monday 25 April 2011

Idea Development

After presenting my storyboard I decided to focus more on the technique I wanted to use for my animation, I eventually decided on using photographs and incorporating some hand drawn images onto that. I began looking at the type of character I wanted to use and decided on a final character. 

I began looking at how I wanted to character to move and did some practice pieces using 12 frames per second just to look at possible outcomes. Below are the short stop motion animations I created:

(Low quality due to difficulty uploading bigger files etc)

I looked at the character walking, and found that this looked quite unnatural due to having to stop/start continuously as I took the photographs.. I then looked at the possibility of the character gliding, similar to some pieces I had come across on YouTube, I felt this idea worked better and would like to continue with this as I progress through my animation...

Bird Flying

I looked at some birds flying on YouTube and found a sketched animation which I thought worked really well, its probably a lot more advanced than what I had wanted to do, but I felt it was important to look at such examples in my research..

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