Wednesday, 27 April 2011

The Scene/Character Photoshoot

I went to the beach and took my chosen character with me, I used a 1/2 split scene of the beach and sky, I dressed my character in typical beach wear, shorts and a stop. I used a darker top as it showed a better contrast compared the the background and I found during experiments that white left a lot of glare during these sunny days..

Here is a sample of some of the 300+ shots that I took in an index form, I am using this to draw on the ice cream etc to make sure timing will be correct.

I took a sample section and took the key frames to work out timings for important events during the 30 second animation, here is an example of this:

Here are the 300+ frames and any necessary annotations I added before creating the animation...

Below is a short section of the photographs in action as the base layer of the animation, once these have all been changed to 72dpi (which is taking such a long time) then the other images can be applied and positioned:

(12 frames per second)

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